Middle East & North Africa Green Cities Study Tour

Welcome to the 2020 Middle East and North Africa Green Cities Study Tour, sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service International Programs.

Wednesday, 29 January 2020 – Thursday, 6 February 2020


The Green Cities Study Tour was conceptualized following the USFS Urban Forestry and Community Engagement seminar in June 2020, during which three participants from Egypt, Lebanon, and Tunisia discovered their shared areas of work in urban environmental initiatives. In the interest of supporting and expanding these programs, U.S. Forest Service International Programs is piloting a regional study tour to reconnect these participants and their colleagues in order to share best practices and generate new ideas related to urban forestry. This pilot study tour will take place in Cairo, Egypt as there are a number of organizations working on various urban greening projects, including a green roof project based at the University of Cairo, a key example in which other countries have expressed interest in learning from. In addition to visiting a number of urban environmental programs, the participants will spend time working with USFS consultants, and each other, to discuss best practices from the region and generate ideas for new programs. Following this pilot study tour, participant feedback and trip outcomes will be used to asses future year study tours that will look to showcase activities and programs in other countries within the region.


  • Facilitate learning opportunities and coaching for program development focused in urban areas including, but not limited to, green rooftops; waste management; and urban revitalization.
  • Support USFS partners in developing innovative environmental projects that can benefit urban communities by improving air quality, waste management, temperature reduction, and creating community gathering spaces.
  • Promote collaboration among regional partners and former seminar participants.


  • Green rooftops and other innovating greening solutions
    • Productive purposes: rooftop farms, livelihoods, etc.
    • “Greenspace” for other purposes: community use, architecture, air quality, etc.
  • Composting, recycling, and creative waste management solutions.
  • Multi-sectoral Partnerships: working with universities, schools, private citizens, municipalities, etc.
  • Urban revitalization: parks, historical areas, etc.
  • Social Assessments (related to community-centered projects)
  • Economic viability and sustainability (related to productive projects)
  • Youth engagement and education

Participating Countries:

Egypt, Lebanon, West Bank, Tunisia, Jordan

Coordinating Team

IP Staff: Grace Swanson, Kristina Bell, Jonathan Palmrose

Subject Matter Experts: Erika Svendsen, Abdallah Tawfic (local liaison)